Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Night

and I'm not ready for the week. Ben was saying he wasn't ready to go back to school and I have to agree with him. It seems like it takes me twice as long to get anything done. Maybe it's just that I'm so scattered mentally that I can't focus physically. Steve's mom called. They are back in the city. She sounded well. I'm so glad she called. I fear I have done such harm to our relationship. It will take time to mend. I gave her the dates for the holiday dance recital and the youth symphony concert. It would be nice if they could come and share those events. Thanksgiving is the Thursday after...maybe they could stay.

1 comment:

Becky Kramer said...

I think we should have 3 day weekends all the time. 4 days with kids is long enough!!! That would be fantastic though I'm afraid it never would be good enough and then we'd want 4 day weekends!!