Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seattle Rain!

Today it rained and rained. Not the heavens opening up down pour we usually get here in the Midwest, but a Seattle steady rain. It made me feel comforted in the steadiness of it. It made me feel like I was back home. I spent time with Gen watching Titanic. Ben, Gen and I went and had dinner with Becky, Tony, Michael, Bill and Daniel. It was nice talking and being with friends.

I made more connections tonight in counseling. I was talking about how taking care of my house, improving: painting, replacing the flooring, etc... is symbolic to what I (we) should have done with my marriage before Steve died. We didn't focus on US! Our attention was on so many other things and not the two of us. Yes, we had our opera weekends. We should have been focusing on our home/us!!!

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