Friday, September 12, 2008


I thought Friday wasn't going to ever get here. This has been one crazy week. So much feels up in the air. My house, my teaching, my life!!! Some things have made me smile and feel good about how things are going...and on the flip side, other things felt fragmented, chaotic and out of control.

My counselor brought up the "lost me." During my marriage I seemed to have given up some of who I am in order to make the marriage work. I don't know who I am anymore. I know part of this is normal with the grief, but it reaches so much further down. My goal through this is to find out who I am...once again.

We started in on lessons this week. More running around. Gen had to chose between Brownies and violin lessons. Brownies won out. Thank heavens for more moms willing to help me out.

Now the weekend is here and I can relax a little. It's homestead weekend which means a lot of running around. At least I'll be with some great people and have a good time. Both Ben and Gen will be in the parade. It will be bitter sweet without Steve there watching the whole thing.

1 comment:

Becky Kramer said...

I hope I'm not responsible for the fragmented, out of control parts of your life..........

Thinking about you always,