Monday, March 23, 2009

Picking up the pieces

It's been a year. magic healing...we still miss him, we still mourn him, we still talk about him, we still build a new day without him...and it is all okay. Are we happy all the time? NO! Do we have more good times than sad times? YES!!!

Gen and I went to see the high school play Saturday. When we were walking back to our car Gen asked me if when she is in high school will I come to see her if she is in the school play. I said "of course!" She was quiet for a moment and then asked..."but what if you are dead?" Oh, my little angel. The hardest part of this journey has been seeing my children deal with the uncertainty of life...once the sanctity of life has been breached. I assured her that I had no plans of dieing...but her daddy didn't have any plans of dieing either. I can't promise her that nothing will happen to me...but I can promise her that she will be well taken care of if something does happen to me. And that she is LOVED and CARED for and provided a SAFE PLACE to process and feel her emotions. That's what I can little as it seems at times.

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