Friday, March 27, 2009


Tomorrow night Kaylyn and I will attend the last opera of the season. It's hard to believe Jane and Michael were going in our place last year. Steve had died. We were waiting on plans to get finalized, family members to arrive. I had to have Barbara tell them to go and not tell me anything about it unless I asked. I still haven't asked. Probably never will.

This has been a long week. A lot of self-doubt, second guessing myself...not listening to my gut instinct...that internal voice. I'm coming back around to listen to it now (thanks Bill!) I'm going to have to sit with the negative feelings for a while so I can let them go and move on. Pushing those feelings away (my response)this week and trying to focus on the the intent of a message has not served me well this week. It has actually made me more confused and doubting myself. Hopefully I'll learn not to fall into the same pot hole again and again. Soon I'll learn to walk around it.

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