Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Week Done!

Another week is done at school. My kiddos are very noisy and have a real hard time with self-control. I feel more self-assured and able to deal with the misbehavior. I know things will get better when we start regular schedule.

Ben and Gen were able to get to school okay. I still haven't found a helper in the morning. My next door angel, Shar, has been so helpful. Even through Ben's meltdown and Gen getting my cold this week we managed to survive.

Last Friday Gen and I went to the Bureau County Fair with our friends. We had a wonderful time and Gen and I rode the Tilt-A-Whirl. Niether of us threw-up! Yea for us.

1 comment:

Mrs. Kramer said...

I can'r believe you didn't mention riding "FREAK OUT"!! That was really brave! We had fun, too, and we were so glad you could join us!

You'll have your class whipped into shape in no time and then next year you'll forget how bad the beginning of the year always is! It's like giving birth......... :)
