Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Winding Down and Burning Out

The days are warmer...the sun is shinning longer into the evening...our focus is shifting. School is not where any of our minds are. Gen is loving playing outside with her friends. She has taught herself how to ride her bike and she is riding with such confidence. It is hard to get her in to eat supper, bathe and get to bed.

Ben has lost his focus, again. He lost it in March with all the emotional processing that goes along with the anniversary of Steve's death. Now with the suicide of a classmate and just plain "checking out" of his course work he is back to "D" grades. Oh! how frustrating it is to see my intelligent son do this to himself.

As for me, there are so many other things that I would rather be doing...yet I can't seem to get focused and organized to do any of them. Last year at this time I was in a fog and was giving myself the room to just be. This year, I want to get things done, but I'm finding it very hard to get motivated. No excuses this year...GOTTA get things done. I don't have anyone else to blame it on if it doesn't get done.

We have less than 20 days of school left for this year. It will go by quickly. Then how do we slow down the lovely days of summer?????

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